Quality & Environment

     Environment, Health & Safety and Security (EHS&S) is the most important for the operation of the hazardous chemicals. The management of MC Siam Logistics Co., Ltd. is fully committed to continuously improve and maintain good environment, health and safety, particularly for our terminal operation and the community by the following measures:

  1. Zero accident is the target that everyone must realize and achieve.
  2. Frequent safety training is compulsory for all level of staffs and contractors.
  3. Safety operation procedure is strictly enforced and followed by all level of operators.
  4. Monthly Safety Committee Audit & Meeting are strictly and effectively controlled.
  5. Safety Management Patrol is the key of successful to review periodically and effectively enforced.
  6. Monitoring the environment, health and safety issues as per legal compliance.
  7. We aims to reduce the all threats to company premises.

